
Asian Girls Rising is an organization/media company that works on empowering Asian girls in the community. When looking at major icons in either the art world, music industry, or any other large social industry, there is very little Asian representation and if we look into representation of Asian women it will be even much smaller. In making huge differences to socially change the world, us, as young Asian girls, barely hear about any type of Asian representation anywhere in the media, specifically south Asian representation. This organization will be made in order to shed light on Asian women who have an are still making a change in our society.

The idea is to inspire Asian girls to boldly pursue their goals in underrepresented fields if it fits their talent and passion instead of taking the safe beaten track where Asian women are abundantly represented. Our membership will be made up of a majority of individuals who are in middle and high schools, as society of the future years depends on today’s youth and the change in their mindset today will be the catalyst that would bring about this change.